About Young Life Multiethnic

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Our Mission & Vision

The 5 Cs of Young Life Multiethnic:


Club is a party with a purpose. Young Life club, the best night or day of the week, is controlled chaos that’s hard to describe, but kids know it when they see it. We like to think of it as a party with a purpose. And, before the party ends, we share a simple message about God’s love for them. After all, that’s what the celebration is all about.

College Campaigners

This is a time to learn and grow in their faith journey.


The best week of their lives! How else would you describe a week where deep relationships are forged amidst mind boggling fun, all while listening to and experiencing what we believe is the greatest love story every told?

Contact Work

Where leaders go where kids are, meeting them where they are at and walking alongside them. Helping youth to grow and to become the best that they can be!


Adults Who Care: Young Life is making a difference in the lives of kids because we are supported by adults who care about kids in their community. Local committees are comprised of parents, YL alumni and civic leaders who provide a foundation of financial, administrative and moral support for the Young Life team.